RCPy study note

Statistical Learning

  • This is a great book for the statistical approach on Machine Learning.

Staticstical learning vs Machine learning

  • Statistical learning is a subfield in Statistics.
  • Machine learning is a methodology in AI.
  • There are so much part of an intersection area between two of them.


  • 이 분야에서 통계 없이는 멀리 갈 수 없고, 코딩 실력 없이는 정확한 결과를 내기 힘듦.


Natural Language Processing in Tool-Kit

NLTK installation

$ run sudo pip install -U nltk # Install NLTK
$ run sudo pip install -U numpy # Install Numpy (optional)
$ python -c "import nltk" # Test installation

An Introduction to Statistical Learning

pdf book

R tutorial markdown by psygement 김무성님

introduction to R chap.2

NLTK for python intallation

알콩파이 파일 드라이브

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